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Why Would You Hire an Executive Coach?
Liesbeth van der Linden Liesbeth van der Linden

Why Would You Hire an Executive Coach?

The higher you’re up in the organization, the fewer people in your circle to give you honest, direct and non-judgemental feedback on your performance.

The longer you work in an organization, they more you tend to get stuck in existing thinking patterns that keep you from thinking out of the box and radical to create the future that you want.

The busier you are, the more time you’re being caught up by working IN the business instead of ON the business, which is crucial for its future and YOURS.

This article describes the realy value of coaching and what you can expect when you hire an executive coach.

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5 Steps for a Leader who’s a Fixer
Liesbeth van der Linden Liesbeth van der Linden

5 Steps for a Leader who’s a Fixer

Most leaders I know are fixers at heart. But the truly great leaders know they can’t fix everything, and they know what to do when they catch themselves trying.

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5 Leadership Lessons of Moving Abroad
Liesbeth van der Linden Liesbeth van der Linden

5 Leadership Lessons of Moving Abroad

Here are the most valuable lessons I’ve learned from my experiences living and working in various parts of the world, which have had a profound impact on both my leadership and my life.

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Does AI jeopardize your role as a leader?
Liesbeth van der Linden Liesbeth van der Linden

Does AI jeopardize your role as a leader?

The single important task of people in leadership positions is DECISION-MAKING.

To what extent could AI replace leaders by making better decisions than humans?

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How to Get Rich
Liesbeth van der Linden Liesbeth van der Linden

How to Get Rich

The difference between getting rich and being rich.

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Dealing with people who resist change
Liesbeth van der Linden Liesbeth van der Linden

Dealing with people who resist change

Resistance to change is common in many organizations. What’s going on in the minds of people who resist, and what can you do as a leader to help people overcome it?

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You can only ACT where you are now.
Liesbeth van der Linden Liesbeth van der Linden

You can only ACT where you are now.

When I work with leaders to optimize their PERFORMANCE, one thing we practice is getting rid of ‘distractions’. High performance can only happen when you are 100% focused on what you are doing NOW.

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Anti-fragility: A Survival Skill in Chaos
Liesbeth van der Linden Liesbeth van der Linden

Anti-fragility: A Survival Skill in Chaos

The opposite of being fragile is not being resilient, but being anti-fragile. Why being more anti-fragile than resilient may be more helpful in times of chaos.

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Misuse of Imagination
Liesbeth van der Linden Liesbeth van der Linden

Misuse of Imagination

We have been given this wonderful tool called ‘imagination’ that helps us to be creative and innovative, to come up with solutions and ideas that we want to realise and that move us forward.

Unfortunately, all too often, we misuse this powerful imagination to create doom scenarios, horror stories and terrible futures that stop us in our tracks, drive us down a rabbit hole, and leave us feeling stuck and fearful.

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Let’s Lead!
Liesbeth van der Linden Liesbeth van der Linden

Let’s Lead!

LET’S LEAD is about helping people become the best version of themselves in every area of their lives through leadership.

The moment people take full ownership of their lives and become LEADERS in the broadest sense of the word, they create extraordinary results for themselves and those around them!

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Challenge your Fears head-on!
Liesbeth van der Linden Liesbeth van der Linden

Challenge your Fears head-on!

Most of the things we fear or worry about are not life and death situations. How can we face them instead of running away from them?

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How to Win from Imposter Syndrome
Liesbeth van der Linden Liesbeth van der Linden

How to Win from Imposter Syndrome

70% of successful people have experienced imposter syndrome at some point in their careers. This is how you recognize it and what you can do about it.

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Getting what you want…
Liesbeth van der Linden Liesbeth van der Linden

Getting what you want…

Many people set themselves a goal, get all excited about it, go after it, and when they achieve it, set themselves another goal to chase and the pattern repeats until they are completely exhausted and burned out. Are there other ways to achieve our goals? How do we create what we really want?

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The Pink Elephant
Liesbeth van der Linden Liesbeth van der Linden

The Pink Elephant

How can we limit distracting thoughts when we need to perform?

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